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Religious Music

Pasadena Community Church: Praise Team

Published on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 | 9:10 pm

PCC is creating a new “praise choir” at Pasadena Community Church for this coming Fall 2012. This vocal ensemble of 30 – 40 singers would work each week along with the Direct Connection Praise Team (DCPT) to lead worship. They along with the DCPT, will also present an anthem once a month.

In addition to these opportunities, PCC will also work together to present Christmas and Easter music that presents a living Savior in Jesus Christ. No prior vocal experience in required; just a willingness to learn. Please feel free to Scott Browning should you have any questions.For more info, email Scott Browning at or

Pasadena Community Church, 500 South Pasadena Avenue, Pasadena, (626) 796-1050 or visit

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