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Outlook Newspapers Buys San Marino Tribune, South Pasadena Review

Published on Friday, January 31, 2020 | 7:33 am
Andy and Carie Salter (at left and center) have sold the San Marino Tribune and South Pasadena Review to Charlie Plowman, Publisher of The Outlook Newspapers group. Courtesy photo

La Cañada Flintridge-based Outlook Newspapers announced Thursday it has purchased the San Marino Tribune and the South Pasadena Review.

The newspaper group publishes the Pasadena Outlook.

This week’s acquisitions were both made from Andy and Carie Salter, who had published the Tribune for more than four years and the Review more than three years.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

“The Salters have done a marvelous job over the past four years with their commitment to community journalism and covering this city,” said Charlie Plowman, Publisher of Outlook Newspapers.

“What readers will be seeing in the coming weeks and months is that we are combining the best assets of both newspapers,” Plowman continued. “Both publications have excellent writers to cover local events, write features, perform investigative reporting and highlight the community’s youth through their achievements in academics, athletics and the arts, and other accomplishments.”

Plowman said both newspapers will keep their “iconic” names.

The Salters said in a statement they believe both papers “will be in good hands with Charlie and his team, who are excellent operators and have some interesting idea regarding how to take the publication[s] to the next level.”

The Salters will continue to own and publish The Quarterly Magazine.

This week’s issues of the Tribune and the Review were the last issues published under the Salters’ ownership.

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