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Astronaut Bob Behnken Welcomes Caltech Students to Fall Term From Space

Published on Wednesday, September 23, 2020 | 9:33 am
NASA Astronaut and Caltech alumnus Bob Behnken welcomes Caltech students to their fall term from aboard the International Space Station during the university’s “Virtual Convocation” on Sept. 21, 2020. (Credit: Caltech)

Incoming Caltech students and postdoctoral scholars were greeted with a special welcome message recorded aboard the International Space Station by NASA astronaut and Caltech alumnus Bob Behnken during the university’s Virtual Convocation earlier this week.

Behnken, along with fellow NASA Astronaut Doug Hurley, flew the maiden manned voyage of SpaceX’s Crew Dragon capsule to the ISS in late-May before returning to Earth in early August.

“As I record this message, I’m orbiting 250 miles above the Earth’s surface in what’s scheduled to be my final week here in low-Earth orbit,” Behnken said.

“When I started at Caltech, like you are all starting your journey today, I didn’t realize how far my education could take me. I certainly did not expect all the way into space to assemble and use this orbital laboratory.

“But being here, I’m reminded of, and what to emphasize for each of you, the incredible opportunities and possibilities that stand before you and those around you,” he said as he floated weightlessly.

“Caltech will teach you to solve problems, to invent solutions and technologies that don’t exist, to try new things, to embrace new strategies and perspectives, and ultimately, to dare the impossible,” Behnken said.

“I also wish you the best throughout your journey, both at Caltech and through life, and I look forward to seeing the dreams you accomplish and being astonished by how far you go.”

The full Caltech 2020 Convocation ceremony can be viewed online at

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