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Gofundme Page Established For Family of Local Sixth Grader Reported Fatally Injured in Car Accident

Published on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 | 5:39 pm

A Gofundme page has been set up to help the family of a Pasadena Unified sixth grader who was reported to have died from injuries in a Friday traffic collison.

“With profound sadness, I write to inform you of the heartbreaking passing of one of our sixth grade students. We have been informed that student, Yariel Reinaud-Ponce, died following a car accident. Members of the student’s family were also injured,” wrote Marshall Fundamental Principal Lori Touloumian. 

According to the fundraising site,  the accident occurred on Friday, September 8. Reinaud-Ponce died Saturday morning, it said.

According to Touloumian, school counselors, school psychologists, RTI Coaches, clinical social workers, and teachers are prepared to offer help to grieving students. 

Teachers will also provide time for students in class who need to process. If students feel as though they need time outside of class to share their thoughts, feelings, and to grieve, the school has set up designated places on campus, with staff standing by to offer assistance. 

The school is expressing condolences be sent to the main office. They will be forwarded to the family.

“This is a very challenging time for our Marshall Community,” Touloumian said. “Let us take the time in the coming days to grieve this inexplicable loss, to care for one another, and to keep Yariel and his family in our thoughts.”

To help the family please visit.

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