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Pasadena Law Firm Provides Pro Bono Help as L.A. Local Agency Formation Commission Concludes Alternate Member Election

Published on Tuesday, November 21, 2023 | 6:38 am

The Los Angeles Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) recently completed an election to appoint a new alternate member representing independent special districts, with Lagerlof, LLP Partner William F. Kruse in Pasadena providing services pro bono for the election process.

Functioning as a quasi-governmental body, LAFCO holds jurisdiction over the boundaries and services offered by cities and special districts in Los Angeles County. The governing body comprises seven elected officials and two public members, referred to as “Commissioners,” each serving a four-year term. An “alternate” member is designated in each category, empowered to vote if a commissioner in that category is unable to attend a meeting.

Lagerlof, LLP has been voluntarily overseeing these elections, occurring approximately every two years, since the law was amended over 20 years ago to include special districts in the Commission. Elections take place via mailed ballots to fill either a Commission seat or the alternate position for special districts.

The recent special election, conducted to fill a vacancy in the “alternate” position, concluded at the end of October. A new election cycle is scheduled to commence in January, addressing both a voting member seat and the alternate seat.

“We engage in this public service to ensure a seamless recognition process for special districts in appointing their representatives,” Kruse said about the firm’s services. “Our commitment stems from the belief in the value of independent special districts as effective providers of public services, particularly due to their proximity to the voters, who are essentially their customers.”

In addition to overseeing elections, Lagerlof, LLP occasionally provides a legal opinion as the special counsel for LAFCO, offering insights into voting procedures or other legal matters. The firm represents numerous water purveyors in Los Angeles County, primarily public water districts and mutual water companies.

Lagerloff, LLP is on the 11th floor at 155 N Lake Ave. in Pasadena.

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