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Altadena Group Opposes Proposed Pasadena Poly Sports Complex

Published on Thursday, March 30, 2023 | 6:15 am

A petition is being circulated to oppose plans by a local nursery to sell land to a school that would build a sports complex in Altadena.

Pasadena Now reported in October that the owners of Nuccio’s Nurseries have decided to retire.

At that time it was announced that Pasadena Polytechnic School plans to build a sports complex at the site. The process is currently in the design phase and expected to take three years.

Local residents expressed concerns about traffic congestion which has led to the petition. 

“We oppose plans announced by Polytechnic School in Pasadena to build a sports complex on Chaney Trail in the northern Altadena foothills,” according to the petition. “The proposed development site is adjacent to the Angeles National Forest and located within a State-designated very high fire hazard severity zone.” 

“The plans to build new athletic facilities and the many hundreds of additional visitors crowding an already narrow and hilly access road will dramatically increase the risks to public safety. If approved, the sports complex will fundamentally change the semi-rural characteristics of the surrounding neighborhood, with impacts propagating throughout the Altadena foothills and the Angeles National Forest.”

On its website, the group says it was created “to provide a voice for protecting the treasures of our local wildlands in a sustainable manner for future generations.”

Fliers advertising the petition have been posted in several locations in Altadena. 

According to Poly, the school is just at the beginning of a multi-year process that will include a thorough public review and approval process. 

“This effort will be proactive, inclusive, and transparent at all stages to ensure Poly continues its 115-year tradition of being a thoughtful neighbor and community member. We are dedicated to working closely with neighbors, the Nuccio family, and all stakeholders to develop an exceptional plan for the site that enhances the lives of our students as well as the broader Pasadena and Altadena communities,” the school said in October.

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