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Altadena Residents Consider Traffic Safety Solutions at Friday Pop-Up Event

Published on Monday, September 11, 2023 | 6:30 am

Altadenans tested out traffic safety improvements and shared their concerns about speeding cars, the lack of sidewalks and crosswalks, and insufficient lighting on Altadena’s thoroughfares during at a pop-up event during the Altadena Neighborhood Farmers Market at Loma Alta Park on Sept. 8, 2023. [Photo courtesy Dorothy Wong]
Altadenans tested out traffic safety improvements and shared their concerns about speeding cars, the lack of sidewalks and crosswalks, and insufficient lighting on Altadena’s thoroughfares during at a pop-up event during the Altadena Neighborhood Farmers Market at Loma Alta Park on Friday.

Hosted by the Altadena Town Council and Cal Walks, a pedestrian advocacy group, the event featured a demonstration bike lane, a mini-park, and a curb extension. 

The event was organized in order to raise awareness about traffic safety issues in Altadena, where two pedestrians were killed in December 2022.

It was also aimed at gathering feedback from residents about their needs and preferences for safer streets.

Dorothy Wong, an Altadena Town Council representative and the chair of the Traffic Safety & Mobility Committee, said the event was part of a larger effort to advocate for infrastructure improvements with Los Angeles County, which has jurisdiction over Altadena’s roads.

“It has been a long-standing effort since the Safe Streets Committee started doing different projects around traffic safety, first starting at Jackson Elementary. And then during COVID an expanded walkway was put in temporarily to help support pedestrian safety around Loma Alta Park,” Wong said.

Wong said the Traffic Safety & Mobility Committee has been working with county officials to identify priority areas for improvement and to secure funding for projects.

The event also included free activities for residents of all ages, including a tennis clinic, a bicycle helmet giveaway, a kids bike park, a karate demonstration, food trucks, a DJ, and vendors.

In January, LA County Supervisor Kathryn Barger introduced a motion during one of the Board of Supervisors’ meetings to direct the county Public Works Department to make an assessment of the traffic and safety conditions along two highly trafficked roadways: Holliston Ave. between Altadena Drive and New York Drive, and Fair Oaks Ave. between Loma Alta Drive and Altadena Drive.

From that time on, discussions have been frequent between Altadena stakeholders and the county Public Works Department to find real solutions to the traffic safety problems in the town. 

“Our event, the pop-up safety project, was a way for us to really come together, see how we can really rally traffic safety,” Wong said. “I hope that we can keep building momentum for safer streets and active streets because, at the end of the day, saying ‘hi’ to your neighbor makes everyone smile regardless of whether you’re walking or riding a bike. Just coming together at the park and having the ability for all ages to access it is really important.”

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