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ArtCenter Students Doing Their Part, Create Face Shields for Huntington Hospital Medical Personnel

Thirty students worked around the clock

Published on Monday, April 27, 2020 | 12:08 pm
Photo courtesy ArtCenter College of Design

[Updated] Students at ArtCenter College of Design have worked around the clock to 3D print and assemble face shields for Huntington Hospital and several other hospitals in LA County and around the world.

30 ArtCenter College of Design students are dedicated to the Shield Makers project.

So far Shield Makers group have printed, assembled and supplied about 1,600 shields to not only Huntington Hospital, but also to Glendale Adventist, USC Medical Center, Harbor UCLA Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles and the Siloam Hospital in Jakarta. Indonesia.

Shield Makers is on track to produce 5,000 face shields within the next few weeks.

Shieldmakers began as a call to action from the administration of Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center (RLANRC), an acute care comprehensive rehabilitation facility in Downey.

In late March, engineering and clinical research staff at RLANRC were tasked to investigate ways to meet the dire shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) facing the facility and others within the LA County Department of Health Services (LADHS) system.

After researching improvised PPE and their viability within a medical setting, face shields were deemed as one of the items that could be readily produced and safely utilized by frontline hospital staff.

Andy Lin contacted several ArtCenter College of Design product design students, James Gildea, Hon Li, and Tricia Sada who he had previously collaborated with on projects. These students became integral members of the core leadership team for Shieldmakers, along with key clinical and research staff at RLANRC.

The effort quickly expanded to 30+ plus students and faculty as word of the project spread at ArtCenter.

After a two-week design process conducted in partnership with Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center, ArtCenter students began production to create the ideal face shield for medical professionals.

Students at Caltech have also assisted in the effort.

Many local corporations have supplied funds, materials and volunteers to help boost production. Anyone willing to help is encouraged to visit the site to find out what is needed and how to become involved.

The students have launched a website as a resource for anyone who wants to get involved. Businesses or households with a 3D printer and the right materials are encouraged to join the project. The goal is to expand the operation and generate more donations of materials in order to provide as many face shields as possible.

The site, provides outsourced designs and instructions. Visitors select a design and fabrication method depending on what type of 3D printing equipment they have on hand.

“I’m inspired by this student activation and how they’ve applied their expertise to swiftly take on a challenge that needs to be solved and work to help caregivers in Los Angeles,” said Chris Hacker, chair, Product Design department at ArtCenter College of Design. ”Designers are more important now than ever, the passion and dedication our students bring to this crisis is vital to our community’s wellbeing.”

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