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Assemblymember Chris Holden Provides Holiday Meals Throughout District 41

Published on Tuesday, November 22, 2022 | 6:26 am

Assemblymember Chris Holden (second from right) greets constituents at a Thanksgiving turkey distribution event. [Courtesy photo]
Assemblymember Chris Holden, who represents Pasadena, together with community organizations in Pasadena and the City of Claremont participated in holiday events over the weekend which saw him distributing turkeys.

On Saturday, Nov. 19, he was in Claremont along with Inland Valley Hope Partners, UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers International Union) 1428, and staff from the City of Claremont as they distributed over 200 turkeys to the local community.

In a post on their Facebook page, UFCW 1428 said they were “honored to partner with Asm. Chris Holden this Saturday morning” and continue to build better communities with elected officials this holiday season.

On Sunday, Nov. 20, Holden participated in the annual Operation Gobbler in Pasadena, in partnership with Friends in Deed and the Pasadena Jaycees. They provided over 400 turkeys to families in need.

“With the burden of inflation impacting families across the state, this year more than ever, working with the community to provide holiday meals has made this thanksgiving even more special for my staff, family, and me,” Assemblymember Holden said. “As we celebrate this holiday season, let us practice gratitude but also kindness, being kind to our neighbors and our communities.”

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