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Audio: Identity Theft: Developing Relationship with Abba

Published on Wednesday, May 21, 2014 | 12:22 pm

This sermon was delivered by Pastor John Lo, Lead Pastor, Epicentre Church on Sunday, May 18, 2014 at Epicentre Church Pasadena.

“In this sermon Pastor John reminds us that God created us for a purpose and that our walking with God on a daily basis is key to knowing our identity. The person that hears the word of God and obeys them is one who builds his or her life upon the rock. We are encouraged to guard our hearts and accept God’s leadership over our lives. Pastor John encourages us to construct our relationship with God with care, and to create a plan for prayer, worship, and Bible reading in our everyday life.”

John was led to pastoral ministry in his quest to help people. During his 13 years with FEC Glendale (Epicentre’s home church), John served as youth pastor for 8 years and as young adult pastor for 5 years before planting Epicentre Church in 2003. Over the years, he has become increasingly gripped by God’s love for people of all nations and unabashedly inspires and equips people toward God-sized destinies. As a visionary leader, John’s primary role is preaching & teaching, leading new initiatives, and igniting strategic apostolic leaders. John, his wife Evelyn, and their son, Josh, live in Glendale, CA, where they enjoy really good sushi, time at the beach and watching Josh swim at his swim meets.

Epicentre Church, 1539 E. Howard St., Pasadena, (626) 585-1595 or visit

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