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Religious Music

Bethany Church of Sierra Madre: Godspell

Published on Friday, February 24, 2012 | 10:31 pm

The Telemachus Society presents the musical “Godspell” here at Bethany on Saturday, March 17, at 7:00 p.m. Admission is free, with a free-will offering being taken. If you have not seen it, “Godspell” is based on the Gospel of Matthew, with the story of Jesus’ ministry, parables, death and resurrection told in a vibrant, contemporary manner. Our own Jessica Demasi is performing, and the production is directed by Brian Mercer, former Director of Drama at APU.

The Telemachus Society is a Christian community of artists who seek to advance the Kingdom of God by comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable through the performing arts. If you are unable to make it to the production here on the 17th, the program is being held at Baseline Community Church, 4552 N. Towne Ave. in Claremont the next 3 weekends. Check out their website at or call 626-607-4697.

Bethany Church of Sierra Madre, 93 N. Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre, (626) 355-1403 or visit

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