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Blair School to Inaugurate New Middle School Complex

2011 California Distinguished School Award to Highlight Event

Published on Sunday, June 12, 2011 | 2:49 pm

Students, parents, teachers and staff of Blair Middle & High School will join officials from the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) to dedicate Blair’s rebuilt middle school complex on Tuesday, June 14.  Highlighting the event will be the unfurling of the school’s 2011 California Distinguished School Award flag.

Construction of Blair’s rebuilt middle school complex began last year after demolition of the old facilities. The new classroom building incorporates cutting-edge science labs, arts work rooms, and kitchen facilities to support Blair’s middle school population.

It is the PUSD’s first major project constructed with funds from Measure TT, the $350 million school facilities improvement bond approved by voters in 2008.

Blair Middle & High School was named a 2011 California Distinguished School for demonstrating educational excellence for all its students and for its progress in narrowing the achievement gap. Blair is the first secondary school in PUSD to receive this prestigious honor. California Distinguished Schools receive a flag and a plaque.

Blair Middle & High School is “an International Baccalaureate World School.”

The Blair Middle School Dedication Ceremony and 2011 High School Distinguished School Award Celebration will take place Tuesday, June 14 at 2:00 p.m. and will be held at the interior courtyard of middle school building, directly across from the main campus at 1201 S. Marengo Ave.

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