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Pasadena Educational Foundation Celebrates 40th

An estimated 600 students, parents and key school and city officials attended the party

Published on Thursday, September 15, 2011 | 6:04 pm

They brought cup cakes, streamers and banners. There were live jazz bands too. And don’t forget the balloons. And they sang Happy Birthday! With that, the Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF), one of the Pasadena Unified School District’s (PUSD) most important support organizations, celebrated its 40th anniversary held in the main courtyard at Paseo Colorado.

An estimated 600 students, parents and key school and city officials attended the party that was staged shortly before Board of Education President Renatta Cooper delivered the annual State of Our Schools Speech.

Various schools in Pasadena held a colorful parade complete with banners and streamers as one of the highlights of the party. Organizers of the event also set up booths manned by different schools and organizations around Pasadena. The Blair Culinary school provided the celebratory cupcakes.

Those who attended the event included PUSD Superintendent Jon Gundry, Pasadena Mayor Bill Bogaard, city councilmember Gene Masuda, PUSD Superintendent Jon Gundry and members of the school board, including Ed Honowitz and Tom Selinske.

In an earlier interview prior to the event, PEF Executive Director Partick Conyers said, “We know how important our public schools are to a vibrant democracy. PEF is a wonderful and appropriate place for the community to support public education. We can assure everybody that the resources that they commit to us are spent wisely and have been for 40 years now – making the PUSD students and teachers  reach their full capabilities.”

The foundation raised over $10 million to support the different programs of PUSD aimed at improving the quality of education in the district.

For more information call (626) 396-3600 extension 88350 or click here

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