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Budget Discussions on City Council Agenda

Published on Monday, March 24, 2025 | 5:43 am

The City Council will publicly kick off public discussions of the City’s budget on Monday when it receives an initial presentation on the City’s budget process, an overview on the current financial status and discussion on the City Council’s budget priorities.

The budget process, a collaborative and transparent effort that involves the City Manager, department heads, Councilmembers, and the public, is already underway as the City Manager and department heads began developing the budget based on input from various departments and stakeholders.

The budget comprises the General Fund and Operating Budgets, the two elements combine to provide the basic City services and operations.

The Operating Budget covers day-to-day expenses, including personnel costs, services and supplies.

The General Fund acts as the City’s primary operating fund. Essential services, including public safety and public works, are supported through the General Fund.

Taxes, permit fees and other revenues, including investment earnings, are used to help make up the General Fund.

Last year Miguel Márquez approved a $1.147 billion budget. Slightly down from last year’s $1.2 billion budget.

The City Charter requires the City Manager to submit an annual operating budget to the City Council by the third Monday in May.

As part of the process, the City Council opens a public hearing on the proposed operating budget and continues it until a formal recommendation to adopt the fiscal year 2025 Recommended Operating Budget is presented to the City Council.

After the hearings are opened departmental budgets are presented to City Council subcommittees before the matter comes back to the City Council for further discussion.

The process kicks off with the Mayor’s annual State of the City Speech. The City Charter requires the Mayor to deliver a thematic budget speech no later than February every year.

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