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Buying a Used Car? Here Are Top Tips from a Local Expert

Published on Monday, October 19, 2015 | 3:37 pm
Mike Kefalas of J.K. Volvo

Is it time to get a new set of wheels? There are probably hundreds of options out there that seem to fit your criteria. (Has the internet really made car-hunting easier?) But, if you’ve ever heard the saying that a car loses value as soon as your drive it off the lot, you know that a used car may be your best bet. Buying a used car isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Pasadena Now sat down with a car business insider to get you the best advice on how to buy a used car. Mike Kefalas of J.K. Volvo has some great tips to make sure you’re not stuck with a lemon. Mike’s father opened the original Volvo repair shop in Pasadena in 1969 and Mike practically grew up in the repair bays.

“I was basically born into [the car] business. My entire life has been cars and automotive,” says Kefalas. He really knows cars.

When shopping for a car, Kefalas suggests that buyers do their research on the year and the make of the model and find an auto repair shop that specializes in that specific car. He also advises buyers to get a pre-purchase check-up because professionals can spot many warning signs that consumers can’t.

Kefalas adds that when testing out a used car, it’s smart to put it through its paces. Try the windshield wipers, AC and heat, make sure you can open the truck and execute all necessary driving maneuvers. Some wear and tear is normal, but it’s never ok to buy a car you feel unsafe driving. Ask for a second opinion if you’re unsure but remember that there are some things that just can’t be fixed.

After you get your car home, it’s important to keep up with your investment. Proper maintenance is a key part of keeping a car in good health. It also helps you get the best price when it comes time for resale.

“Back when the cars are simpler, repairs were simpler and less frequent [there was] more longevity to a car,” he said. Now, waiting for an oil change or skipping a check up can put you on the fast-track to a damaged car.

Kefalas also advises customers to look at the cost to maintain the vehicle, not just the purchase price.

“Different cars have different related maintenance cost,” he said. It’s important to remember that a car is not a one-time expense. Always budget for insurance, maintenance, repair and gas. When it’s time to buy your next set of wheels, consider a used car. Do your research, take your time testing and make sure you don’t drive off in a jalopy.

J.K. Volvo is located at 1587 E. Walnut Street in Pasadena. Call Mike at (626) 792-2240 or visit for more information.


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