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California Judges Say They’re Underpaid, And Their New Lawsuit Could Cost Taxpayers Millions

Published on Thursday, December 12, 2024 | 5:47 am
A new lawsuit alleges the state illegally miscalculated raises for California judges over the past eight years. Here, a courtroom at the San Diego County Superior Court awaits a judge on Oct. 9, 2023. Photo by Adriana Heldiz, CalMatters

California judges make a good living. They earn at least $240,000 and can count on a raise just about every year, a requirement that’s written into state law.

So why do they feel shortchanged by the state?

A coalition of them argues the state has been stiffing them for years by mishandling the formula it uses to calculate their wage increases. In a new lawsuit, one such judge is demanding that the state redo the math going back almost a decade to include information that likely would have resulted in bigger raises.

“There’s a reason why our latest pay increases have been so puny and falling far short of the rate of inflation. The state didn’t tinker with the statutory formula, but it seems to have played with the inputs,” said a statement announcing the lawsuit by a group called the Alliance of California Judges.

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