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City Commission Supports Call to Allow Non-Citizen Parents of PUSD Children to Vote in School Board Elections  

Published on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 | 5:59 am

Members of Pasadena’s Human Relations Commission expressed support for the call by Pasadenans Empowering Parent Participation in Education Governance (PEPPEG) for the City Council to amend Pasadena City’s Charter to allow all non-citizen parents of Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) students to vote in school board elections.

In its meeting on Tuesday, members of the commission decided to agendize in the action items for its next meeting the call of the PEPPEG for the commission to urge the City Council to craft a measure for the implementation of the proposed new policy.

The commission reached a consensus after commissioners publicly voiced their approval to the proposal of the PEPPEG.

“I believe that citizens in Pasadena no matter what your background is should be able to vote about what’s happening in Pasadena,” Commission Chair Brandon Lamar said.

“I definitely support the measure and recommendation. I look to finally put this as an action item,” Commissioner Rene Gonzales said.

Commission program coordinator Alexis Taylor said the commission can craft a letter of support to the PEPPEG initiative if commissioners vote to do so.

The letter would be given to the city council for consideration.

PEPPEG, which describes itself as a group of Pasadena area residents and stakeholders whose aim is to extend the right to vote in PUSD elections to all parents of PUSD children, has been working on its proposal since 2016.

The group believes that voting will make the school board more accountable to parents and will also empower parents to be more involved in their child’s education.

Non-citizen voting is currently prohibited at the state level. Local jurisdictions however are given discretion about who can vote in elections.

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2 thoughts on “City Commission Supports Call to Allow Non-Citizen Parents of PUSD Children to Vote in School Board Elections  

  • Non citizens voting? Yeah, let’s make sure that you give the racist xenophobic right wing extremist’s even more red meat and some free ammunition to help them win elections with…. I understand the positive emotional idealistic arguments that can be made, unfortunately I also understand the political consequences…..

  • I was wondering whether there were great numbers of Non Citizen persons wanting to vote on a School Board Election. What outcomes are they looking for that regular citizen voters are not now achieving? This process needs a greater break down for all to understand first before being considered. What’s next!






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