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City Committee Hears Update Regarding Pasadena’s Pedestrian Plan

Published on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 5:49 am

[City of Pasadena]
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has presented to the Municipal Services Committee the draft Pasadena Pedestrian Plan, which prioritizes enhancement of street segments that need improvement in order for the city to become more pedestrian friendly.

The plan identified a series of potential pedestrian safety improvements to be considered, including high visibility crosswalks, new or modified curb ramps, detectable warning surfaces, pedestrian refuge islands, and curb extensions.

It prioritizes enhancements at 10 corridors including Del Mar Boulevard (from Pasadena Avenue to east City limit); Fair Oaks Avenue (from north City limit to south City limit); Foothill Boulevard (from Walnut Street to east City limit); Lake Avenue (from north City limit to Colorado Boulevard) and Lincoln Avenue (from north City limit to Washington Boulevard).

Also included in the top 10 priority list are Los Robles Avenue (from north City limit to Walnut Street), Raymond Avenue (from Colorado Boulevard to E Glenarm Street); San Gabriel Boulevard (from Maple Street to California Boulevard) and Washington Boulevard (from Lincoln Avenue to Lake Avenue).

City Associate Planner Talin Shahbazian said the conceptual design and outreach for the 10 corridors is estimated to cost $2.2 million.

“We are considering to conclude the feasibility studies and concept design for two priority corridors per year,” Shahbazian said.

“Our goal is to complete the construction of all corridors in 10-15 years,” she added.

Some members of the public expressed their opposition to the plan.

“I’m speaking tonight because I don’t think the safety concerns of Pasadena residents are being addressed in the pedestrian plan update,” Jeanette Mann said.

“What we have ended up with here is a very very mindless document that seems to have been prepared in some kind of a traffic engineering silo. It is not a comprehensive pedestrian plan,” resident Tom Priestley said. “If you look at the pedestrian plans that have been prepared by other communities, this plan bears no resemblance to them at all. It is not a comprehensive approach to Pasadena’s pedestrian issue.”

The Municipal Services Committee did not take any action on the draft Pasadena Pedestrian Plan which is an information item.

According to DOT officials, the department will address concerns regarding the plan, refine the plan and bring a revised version to the MSC within the next six months.

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