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City Council Finalizes Appointment Process for Pasadena Rental Housing Board

Published on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 | 5:28 am

The search for the individuals who will sit as members of the 11-member Pasadena Rental Housing Board’s (PRHB) has already started and the City Council is set to name them this April. 

During the City Council meeting on Monday, Councilmembers finalized the appointment process for the Rental Housing Board via consensus. 

The PRHB will consist of 11 members, composed of seven tenant members (one from each Council District), and four at-large members that may reside in any Council District in Pasadena, as well as two alternate members; one for the tenant group and one for the at-large group, according to a staff report.

As agreed upon, each Councilmember will nominate two individuals for the tenant members. 

Each will also nominate five individuals for the at-large members. The nominees for the at-large members will be ranked based on the number of nominations the nominees would get, as agreed upon by the City Council.

Nominees for the alternate members may come from the list of nominees for the tenant members or the ranked nominees for at-large members.

Councilmembers agreed to invite at-large nominees to attend the City Council meeting set for the PRHB appointment.

The application period for the PRHB began last January 23. According to City Clerk Mark Jomsky, the deadline for applicants to submit completed applications is on March 23 at 5 p.m.

The Councilmembers will submit nominations to the City Clerk on April 13.

The City Council is set to vote on the seven tenant members on April 17 and on April 20, they will vote on the four at-large and two alternate members. 

It is unclear to date if Mayor Victor Gordo can join the process as he has recused himself from Monday’s discussion. 

“I recuse on matters taking action around Measure H charter reform out of an abundance of caution because I own a real property in Pasadena,” said Gordo before he left the meeting. 

According to City Attorney Michele Beal Bagneris, they have put in a request for advice and the City Council will be informed if Gordo can participate before April 17. 

The PRHB is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of charter amendments related to Measure H, which provides eviction protections, rent increase limits and rent rollbacks.

Measure H, which became effective on December 22 requires the City Council to make appointments to the PRHB within 120 days of the effective date of the new measure. 

The Board is expected to hold its first meeting on or about May 17.

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