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City Council to Consider Increase in Taxes, Fees and Charges Schedule on Monday

Published on Monday, May 20, 2024 | 5:24 am

The Pasadena City Council on Monday is set to review the fiscal year 2025 Schedule of Taxes, Fees, and Charges, which includes a proposed 3.3570% increase in flat amount rates based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

If adopted, the amendments are projected to generate an additional $155,500 in the General Fund, $3.9 million in the Sewer Fund, and $264,200 in other funds in fiscal year 2025.

The increase aims to keep pace with inflation and maintain fiscal responsibility and stability, a key strategic goal for the city, according to a City staff report.

The schedule encompasses various taxes, fees, and charges such as Residential Impact Fees, Utility User Taxes, Construction Tax, Business License Taxes, and Animal License Fees.

These are not based on cost recovery and are more accurately described as taxes and impact fees.

The proposed changes will be discussed on May 20 followed by a public hearing and formal adoption on June 3.

The proposed increase does not affect tax rates based on percentages, as those require electoral approval under Proposition 218.

The fiscal year 2025 Grandstand Permit Application Tax, the Rose Bowl Admission Tax, and the Grandstand Seat Surcharge rates were approved in December and are not subject to change at this time.

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