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City of South Pasadena Hosts Memorial Day Service

Published on Monday, May 27, 2013 | 12:48 pm

On Monday, the City of South Pasadena hosted a brief Memorial Day service at the War Memorial Building to honor those who have served.

Mayor Richard D. Schneider, M.D., led the service and introduced featured speaker James Maddox, a National Service officer and a member of the Pasadena branch of Vietnam Veterans of America, who reminded those gathered the full meaning of Memorial Day.

The South Pasadena Boy Scouts Troop #333, led by Bob McClain, presented the colors and Desiree Jimenez, the City of South Pasadena deputy city clerk, sang the National Anthem.

The War Memorial Building’s Legion Room, which contains artifacts and memorabilia from World War I and II, displayed artifacts and memorabilia.

In addition, Carol Liu from the 25th Senatorial District made some remarks about the importance of Memorial Day while Congresswoman Judy Chu, whose 27th District represents South Pasadena, presented a certificate of recognition to the City Council.

The community was invited to the special small-town event to honor America and those who served.



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