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In the Garden

Crowell Library: Rain Gardens

Published on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 | 4:37 pm

This free one hour workshop on rain gardens is recommended for those interested in environmental issues pertaining to water conservation and pollution prevention as well as those who enjoy gardening and having a beautiful home landscape! Rain gardens are shallow, planted depressions designed to collect and absorb rainwater runoff from roofs, sidewalks, and other impermeable surfaces. Rain Gardens are perfect for Southern California as they help both to conserve rain water through infiltration and prevent storm water pollution through the natural cleaning of runoff as it is filtered through the soil.

Representatives from Generation Water will describe what a rain garden is, what benefits they bring, and how they can be incorporated into your yard. Generation Water is an award-winning, social enterprise that uses innovative approaches to reduce water usage. The five year-old organization currently operates as a social entrepreneurial organization focusing on the environment, saving water, restoring sustainable landscapes as well as training and placing young adults into career paths.

Come join and learn how to help San Marino become a greener city!

For more information, visit

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