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Disneyland’s Iconic Fire Engine to Appear in 2023 Rose Parade

Published on Monday, January 2, 2023 | 5:56 am

An iconic Disneyland vehicle that frequently travels up and down Main Street U.S.A. will be making an appearance in the 2023 Pasadena Rose Parade.

Disneyland Fire Engine No. 1, inspired by turn-of-the-early 20th century fire engines such as the 1907 Rambler and vintage LaFrance fire trucks, made its debut in 1958 as the last addition to the park’s classic vehicle fleet. It was designed by Bob Gurr, a legendary Imagineer with more than 100 plans for Disney attractions under his belt. 

The Pasadena Tournament of Roses Association said Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse will be aboard the Disneyland Fire Engine when the vehicle rolls into the corner Monday.

From the Fire Engine, the two iconic Disneyland characters “will do a live football toss from the Rose Parade route to the Rose Bowl Stadium,” starting the 109th Rose Bowl Game festivities. Catching the toss – with the help of some TV magic – will be Chip and Dale, Goofy, Pluto and Donald Duck.

As a true piece of beloved Disney history, Fire Engine No. 1 is kept in immaculate condition, and its details always look sparkly and new. The vehicle is not licensed to drive on public streets, so it is exclusive to the Disneyland Resort. Although it cruises up and down Main Street, USA at five miles per hour with guests in tow, the Fire Engine’s top speed is 35 miles per hour.

Walt Disney and the Rose Parade 

Walt Disney himself had a long connection with the Pasadena Rose Parade. His first entry dates back to Jan. 1, 1938 with a float celebrating his newly released film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Snow White’s live-action reference model, Marge Belcher, rode on the float dressed as Snow White, and was accompanied by performers costumed as the seven dwarfs. At Gallery 5 of the Walt Disney Family Museum, a photograph shows Walt Disney, Lilly, and Diane Disney enjoying the 1938 Rose Parade from the balcony of the Constance Hotel.

Walt Disney’s next float would preview his Magic Kingdom, seven months before it opened its gates to the eager public. On January 1, 1955, the Helms Bakery float featured Disneyland and its soon to be world famous icon, Sleeping Beauty Castle.

On March 14, 1965, J. Randolph Richards, then president of the Tournament of Roses, announced Walt Disney would be Grand Marshall for the 1966 parade, whose theme, “It’s a Small World,” was to honor “the universal acceptance” of Disney creations. That year, Walt Disney passed away. But the organization he created would continue to be involved with the Tournament of Roses.

Fire Engine No. 1 also has an incredibly rich Disney history. Walt Disney was known to drive the Fire Engine through the park before opening to survey operations and discover opportunities for improvement. 

In the fall of 1966, Disney and Mickey Mouse posed on the Fire Engine in front of Sleeping Beauty Castle for what would become one of their last photos together.

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