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Father, Girlfriend Accused of Tying 6-Year-Old Boy to Bed in Pasadena

Published on Monday, August 17, 2020 | 10:04 am

A Pasadena man and his girlfriend face child abuse charges for allegedly repeatedly restraining the man’s son to a bed over the course of two months, prosecutors said Monday.

Ivan Michael Arriaga, 36, and Claudia Georgina Hernandez, 46, were each charged Friday with a count of child abuse under circumstances or conditions likely to cause great bodily injury,  according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

“Between June 1 and August 12, the defendants are accused of using zip ties to restrain Arriaga’s son at various times,” District Attorney’s Office spokesman Greg Risling said in a written statement. “The victim allegedly had injuries to one of his ankles.”

Arriaga and Hernandez were initially scheduled to appear in the Pasadena branch of Los Angeles County Superior Court on Monday to enter pleas in the case. However, their arraignment hearings were pushed back to Aug. 26 after both defendants were released from custody after posting bail on Sunday, according to prosecutors and Los Angeles County booking records.

Pasadena police investigators arrested the couple about 10 a.m. Wednesday, records show.

If convicted as charged, Arriaga and Hernandez face up to six years in state prison, officials said.

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