As part of Monday’s consent calendar, the City Council could allow the city manager to enter into a 10-year fiber lease agreement with Level 3 Communications LLC, a contract that could result in $1.3 million in revenue over the term of the agreement.
In 1999, following the installation of the city’s original fiber
optics system, the city leased a significant portion of the fiber to GST Telecom, Inc (GST). The fiber lease, which resulted from a competitive request for proposal process, was designed to recoup the city’s cost of installing the fiber network and to bring competitive telecommunications services to the local business market.
The original lease agreement had a 20-year term with one optional 10-year renewal term and generated more than $4.8 million for the city.
The item, along with all the other items on the council’s consent calendar, could be part of a sweep motion and a single vote by the council.
A sweep motion and single vote could also authorize the increase of a contract with Software One by $1.1 million for a total not to exceed $4.4 million for Microsoft Software licensing and services.
A tax equity and fiscal responsibility resolution would be adopted approving the financing to be undertaken by the California Enterprise Development Authority (CEDA) for the benefit of Mayfield Senior School of The Holy Child Jesus in a maximum $17 million contract for the purpose of financing, refinancing, and/or reimbursing the cost of designing, constructing, renovating, remodeling, installing, equipping, and furnishing educational facilities for the benefit of Mayfield Senior School of the Holy Child Jesus.
Mayfield requested that the CEDA incur one or more tax-exempt loans not to exceed $17,000,000 for the purposes of using the proceeds of the obligations to finance several projects at the school, including designing, constructing, renovating, remodeling, installing, equipping and furnishing Strub Hall.
A purchase order with Galls LLC for police equipment and uniforms and equipment is also on the consent calendar. According to a city staff report, the Pasadena Police Department has approximately 350 sworn and civilian employees. All sworn personnel are required to possess and wear a police uniform during specific assignments throughout the year. Not every civilian employee is required to wear a daily uniform. However, most civilian assignments require a uniform. This results in many orders for new uniforms being processed each year.
The purchase order not-to-exceed $1,024,675 for a period of four years with two one-year extensions and requiring approval by the city manager, would be subject to Consumer Price Index adjustments.
Finally, a single sweep motion and council vote could also authorize the city manager to enter into an agreement with Clean Energy for the supply of environmentally friendly renewable natural gas (RNG) for city fleet fueling and for management of natural gas fuel revenue credit over a three-year period with the option for two additional one-year extensions at the discretion of the city manager.
The item was passed by the council’s Municipal Services Committee last week.