A beautiful day served as the background to the celebration of “Fiestas Patrias” at Villa Park in Pasadena. Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Chile, Belize and Brazil celebrated their independence.
Opening the ceremonies, the Aztec Dancers Yankuititl paid homage to nature: the four elements of earth, wind, fire, and water using incense and blowing a conch shell horn. During the dance, fertility is represented by scudding and the whirling movements; the earth and the crops are the movements to the ground. The soul is represented by spinning in the air, the steps back and forth the fire, and zigzag steps the water; as explained by the instructor.
Ballet Folklorico Nahuatzen with dazzling costumes awash in color, performed a variety of captivating interpretations thru various music, footwork and dance patterns.
Assistant City Manager Julie Gutierrez was present and enjoyed the afternoon event with Pasadena resident Barbosa Polverini. Vice Mayor Victor Gordo, crowned the Queen Samantha Santoro, who represented Cuernavaca, Mexico. Among the court was Juliana Edwards who represented El Salvador.
Mistress of ceremony was Alejandrina Flores. Marcos Bermudez performed “El Grito”, the call for independence.
A soccer tournament takes place in the days preceding the Fiestas Patrias and after exhausting competition, the winning teams and participants receive their awards. During this event, sponsors, judges and staff where recognized for their efforts.
Rhythmical dance interpretacions from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Brazil added enjoyment to the afternoon. To finalize the event, Ignacio Hernandez sang the Mexican National anthem to the delight of the audience.