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Free E-Waste & Document Shredding Event Aug. 25

Published on Monday, August 20, 2012 | 1:15 pm

Residents and businesses can safely dispose of electronic waste and shred personal documents—all for FREE—at the City’s “Electronic Waste Collection Event” from 9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 25 at the Rose Bowl.

The e-waste collection/document shredding event will be held in Parking Lot I of Brookside Park, south of the Rose Bowl, 1001 N. Rose Bowl Dr.The event is sponsored by Pasadena’s Public Works Department.

E-waste includes computers, keyboards, printers, monitors, laptops, docking stations, scanners, shredders, fax machines, computer mice, telephones, TVs, flat panel monitors, VCRs, DVD players, PDAs, cell phones, cassette and VHS tapes, tape drives, stereos and household batteries.Many of these products have parts that can be recycled.

Public Works will also provide a new service to help residents combat identity theft by providing free paper shredding at the collection event. All residents interested in participating can bring up to five file boxes for shredding by the onsite mobile trucks.

To prevent identity theft, Public Works Department recommends you shred all sensitive documents and files including receipts, checks, pre-approved credit applications/credit card statements, outdated tax returns; envelopes & return address labels, and business cards.

For more information about the City or the free e-waste collection and document shredding, go online to or call Public Works Department’s Customer Service at (626) 744-4087.

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