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Fuller Seminary Professor Honored for Faculty Excellence

Dr. Lisseth Rojas-Flores receives prestigious C. Davis Weyerhaeuser Award

Published on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 | 6:14 am

Fuller Theological Seminary has awarded the C. Davis Weyerhaeuser Award for faculty excellence to Dr. Lisseth Rojas-Flores, a Professor of Clinical Psychology in the Department of Doctoral Psychology. The award, established in 1977, recognizes outstanding contributions in scholarship, teaching, creativity in academic leadership, integration, and recognition by peers.

Dr. Rojas-Flores, a faculty member in Fuller’s  School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy, has gained recognition for her research on trauma and youth violence prevention. Her work focuses particularly on the impact of immigration enforcement on Latino children’s well-being.

The professor’s studies have examined the effects of parental deportation threats on the mental health of Latino U.S.-citizen children. She has also investigated how immigration enforcement activities affect the well-being of children in immigrant families.

The award’s namesake, C. Davis Weyerhaeuser, was an active member of the trustees from 1959 through 1985, serving as Chair of Fuller’s Board of Trustees. The annual honor includes a $2,500 check and a calligraphic certificate presented at Fuller’s Commencement ceremony.

Dr. Rojas-Flores’ selection, a nomination from the School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy, highlights her contributions to addressing challenges faced by immigrant families and children. Her work aligns with Fuller Seminary’s mission of integrating academic excellence with practical application and social relevance.

The award, instituted to honor Weyerhaeuser’s service, recognizes faculty members for excellence in various areas, including scholarship, teaching, campus church development, and academic leadership creativity. It also considers integration of disciplines and recognition by peers.

The Fuller School of Psychology & Marriage and Family Therapy congratulated Dr. Rojas-Flores on this prestigious recognition of her work and contributions to the field.

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