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Hearings Set to Review Metro’s Draft EIR on Proposed Bus Rapid Transit System Between Pasadena and North Hollywood

Published on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 | 12:37 pm

The MTA has scheduled public hearings on a recently released draft environmental report on a controversial plan to build a bus rapid transit system connecting Pasadena and North Hollywood, with stops in Eagle Rock, Burbank and Glendale.

“The aim of the $267-million, 18-mile project is to build a high-quality Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line that will connect the San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys, traveling east-west between the North Hollywood Metro B (Red)/G (Orange) Line Station and Pasadena City College with stops in downtown Burbank, Glendale and Eagle Rock, depending on the route option,” states the introduction to Metro’s draft environmental impact report (EIR).

The project has met with some criticism, specifically from Eagle Rock residents, who held a meeting in July 2019 to review the latest information on the plan.

“The meeting space was jam-packed. An estimated 300 people turned out, though many weren’t able to squeeze into the space when it became a standing-room-only situation. Attendees spilled out onto the walkways of the mall, and it got so loud Metro staff gave several requests for quiet and calm so a court reporter could accurately document the proceeding,” wrote LAist’s Ryan Fonseca.

Many objected to carving out a strip of Colorado Boulevard to accommodate the 40-foot buses. At the meeting, Fonseca writes, “more than 50 people spoke during the public comment period, often punctuated with a mix of boos, cheers and dismissive mutterings. Fears and outrage over the potential for fewer car lanes, lost medians and parking chaos mingled with positivity and excitement for faster, greener, more reliable public transportation. It was tense.”

This time around, that won’t happen, primarily because the two hearings on the project’s draft EIR will be virtual.

Metro will be hosting two virtual public hearings that can be attended online or by phone.

The first hearing will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 12.

The online link is The webinar ID is 933 6273 7314.

The second virtual hearing is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 14.

The online link:, The webinar ID is 932 5509 4044.

Metro has also created an online, virtual platform that will remain open through Dec. 10, with exhibits, information, a project video, and an opportunity to provide official comment on the Draft EIR.

The virtual platform can be accessed at

The full draft EIR can be viewed at

For more information, call (toll free) (877) 853-5247, (888) 788-0099, or (833) 548-0276 or (833) 548-0282.

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