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Junior League Celebrates the Holiday Season at Jacob Maarse

Published on Sunday, November 24, 2013 | 8:22 pm

The Junior League of Pasadena kicked off the Holiday season with its Jacob Maarse Florists annual shopping event on Thursday, November 21.

The flower company gave a 10-percent discount on all pre-ordered holiday arrangements and purchases and donated 10 percent of its sales to the Junior League, a non-profit organization of women whose mission is to promote voluntarism and develop the potential of women in the San Gabriel Valley.

Jennifer Quan, finance director of Junior League of Pasadena, said the organization will use the proceeds to support its social programs, such as Kids in the Kitchen – a one-day nutrition event for middle schools kids, and Early Readers Book Club – a program of Mothers’ Club Family Learning Center.

“All proceeds for the event, that involve ticket purchase and of course the money that Jacob Maarse gives to the Junior League, will all go towards the league’s programs and projects,” Quan said. “So it’s an opportunity for us to have fun together and — also know that our tickets are going to a good cause.”

Spot catering provided the food, while Monopole Wine and Epic Wines provided the drinks.

Junior League President Kristen Schwartz said the organization is set to hold at least two new activities in 2014, including “Simply Speaking,” a leadership luncheon fundraiser in April; and “Spring Stoppers,” a dinner fundraiser to be held at the homes of the organization’s members.

Schwartz added that the Junior League is also scheduled to hold two partnership activities: one with Mother’s Club and another with Pasadena Educational Foundation and Pasadena Unified School District.

“Those are the community impact areas right now, so we’re bridging the educational gap within the community,” she said. “And then of course, our training program is the huge focus for this year.”

Schwartz said the JLP members have personal responsibilities to attend to but carve out enough time to support the organization.

“Women are balancing families, careers and volunteer life, so we’re trying to adjust to that and be flexible but still give them the training and the leadership and the community impact that we’re all about,” Schwartz said.

“We really work to foster our traditions, so much a part of who we are and what our history is in Pasadena,” she added.

What separates Junior League from other organizations is that it develops and strengthens its members to be able to give more service to the community, Schwartz said.

The Junior League of Pasadena, Schwartz said, “one of the most unique [organizations] because it not only has the community impact element to it, but it really has a focus on the members and our strength in the community is because we develop our members.”

“So you grow as a leader, and as a person within our league, you’re able to do so much more in the community, and we’re very proud of that.”

Junior League of Pasadena is located at 149 South Madison Ave. For more information, call (626) 796-0244 or visit

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