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LA County to Consider Possible Local Rules to Control Gun Sales

Published on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 | 5:41 am

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is expected to consider a proposal Tuesday that would direct its attorneys to draft a series of ordinances aimed at regulating gun sales in the county, including a ban on the sale of .50-caliber handguns and ammunition in unincorporated areas.

Another proposed ordinance would require “buffer zones” between gun/ammunition dealers and “sensitive areas” such as schools, daycare centers and parks in unincorporated areas. Another would ban the possession of firearms on all county property.

The proposals are the result of a confidential report that was presented to the board last month on possible gun regulations that could be imposed locally. The board voted unanimously in June to request the report, with Supervisor Janice Hahn saying there is “a gun violence epidemic in our nation.”

The board asked its attorneys to explore an array of possible regulations, and the proposals going before the board Tuesday are a result of that report, according to the motion introduced by Hahn and Supervisor Hilda Solis.

“Gun violence continues to plague our communities and more Americans purchased guns in 2020 than any other year on record,” according to the motion. “Too many of our residents have already been victims of gun violence, either directly or indirectly, and too many others are afraid that they will become victims in the future. … Implementing common sense gun regulations at a local level is necessary to protect our residents and keep our public spaces safe for the community.”

If approved, the motion calls for attorneys to draft the proposed ordinances and return to the board for another vote within 90 days.

The motion also would direct county staff to draft within 90 days a series of other regulations, including requiring ammunition dealers to obtain a county business license; restricting minors’ access to gun and ammunition stores; requiring such stores to submit annual sales reports to the county licensing agency and to submit weekly reports on inventory. The rules would also require weapons and ammunition stores to maintain a fingerprint log, install security cameras and notify all of its customers about “gun owner responsibilities and gun laws along with options for nearby gun safety classes.”

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