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Local Day Camp Closed After Two Test Positive for Coronavirus

21 people, including 15 children, quarantined

Published on Thursday, July 16, 2020 | 10:03 am

Twenty-one people are in quarantine including 15 children after two people in a local city-run day camp in Victory Park tested posted positive for the Coronavirus.

“Strict protocols were in place at the camp. We [including other counties] are seeing an increase in community transmissions in a younger population where the virus can potentially spread into an outside setting such as this camp situation,” said Pasadena Public Information Officer Lisa Derderian. “This was a smaller group setting, although it demonstrates that it only takes one person to spread the virus to others even with rigorous guidelines and undeviating conformity in place.”

According to Derderian, no other camps in Pasadena have been impacted and all camps are adhering to very strict COVID protocols.

Temperatures are taken of all children and staff before they enter camps, anyone with a temperature above 100.4 or experiencing symptoms is not allowed in camp, health questions are asked, and everyone is required to wear masks, socially distance, and wash their hands 6-8 times per day.

In addition the cohorts are kept in separate areas and never mix or use any of the same equipment.

Only staff and campers are allowed in camp – no parents or other staff.  The initial health screening is done at the parent’s car at the designated drop off location.

In the case of the impacted camp, participants from camp groups A and C who attended camp on Monday, July 13 at Victory Park have been advised to quarantine for 14 days because they may have had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, campers from groups B and D are awaiting test results.

All parents were notified of the decision to close the camp on Wednesday, July 15 in a letter from Brenda Harvey Williams, who leads the city’s Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department.

“Today, we learned two people in our summer day camp community at Victory Park have tested positive for COVID-19,” the letter said. “The Pasadena Public Health Department (PPHD) does not believe that these two cases are connected. We are writing to share information and next steps developed in consultation with PPHD. Our goal is to be transparent with our campers, families and employees so they can know and trust that we are putting their health and welfare first.”

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