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Local Vote Centers Will Open Earlier, Stay Open Later on Tuesday

Published on Monday, March 4, 2024 | 6:02 am

Pasadena’s 12 vote centers will expand their hours for voting for the Primary Nominating Election on Tuesday, March 5th, throwing their doors open at 7:00 a.m. and not shutting them until 8:00 p.m.

For Monday, however, the County says the vote centers will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

The in-person voting centers in Pasadena are located across the city at the following addresses:

  • Red Hen Press, Library Center, 1540 Lincoln Ave.
  • Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church, Derian Hall, 339 S Santa Anita Ave.
  • Rosemont Pavilion, North Warehouse, 700 Seco St.
  • Octavia E Butler Magnet, Gymnasium, 1505 N Marengo Ave.
  • Robinson Park Recreation Center, in the Multi-Purpose Room, at 1081 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
  • Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lawrence Chapel, 1757 N Lake Ave.
  • Webster Elementary, Auditorium, 2101 E Washington Blvd.
  • Villa Parke Community Center, Auditorium, 363 E Villa St.
  • Jefferson Branch Library, Auditorium, 1500 E. Villa St.
  • Victory Park Recreation Center, Gymnasium, 2575 Paloma St.
  • First United Methodist Church-Pasadena, 500 E. Colorado Blvd.
  • Pasadena Presbyterian Church, in the Gamble Lounge, at 585 E. Colorado Blvd.

A full list and map of Vote Center locations and wait times is available online at LOCATOR.LAVOTE.GOV

First-time voters who missed the registration deadline can visit any Vote Center, complete a Conditional Voter Registration, and cast a ballot in this election. 

Voters can also update their registration information, including their party affiliation, to receive their preferred party’s ballot or request a crossover ballot. 

Voters who plan to vote in person can save time using the Interactive Sample Ballot. This optional tool allows voters to review and mark their selections on their smartphone or computer and instantly transfer their votes at a Vote Center with their Poll Pass (QR Code). 

The quickest method to participate in this election is to return the Vote by Mail ballot by mail (no postage required) or in person at any Official Ballot Drop Box or Vote Center location.

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