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Maranatha High School Celebrates Grandparents

Published on Tuesday, April 30, 2013 | 3:02 pm

It was a grand day and spring was in the air on April 24, 2013 as Maranatha High School celebrated Grandparents’ Day! Smiles, hugs and handshakes from Student Ambassadors greeted grandparents and special friends as they arrived at the Maranatha campus.

Shirley French, a Maranatha grandparent, opened the event by welcoming approximately 275 grandparents and special guests to a full breakfast prepared by Maranatha’s Minuteman Café. The program included student performances by the school’s Theatre Arts, Orchestra, Mixed Ensemble and Dance Team.

In attendance on this special day were several three-generation families indicative of the rich, cherished heritage of Maranatha High School. Theology Department Chair (and Maranatha grandparent) Ed Newkirk spoke of the joys of having grandchildren. Student Jessica Demasi ’13 spoke on behalf of her peers about the love, dedication and wisdom given by grandparents, and how grateful all the students are for such wonderful examples in their lives.

The event concluded as students gave their grandparents, family and friends a personal tour of Maranatha’s campus.

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