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Metro to Begin Construction of Soundwalls Along 1-210 Freeway in Pasadena

Published on Monday, April 24, 2023 | 4:00 am

[Image courtesy City of Pasadena]
Editor’s Note: The Tuesday, April 25, 2023 meeting of the City’s Municipal Committee at which this was to be heard has been canceled. No new date has yet been scheduled as of this writing.

The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) has awarded the Countywide Retrofit Soundwall Program construction contract to start in Pasadena.

Metro’s Board awarded the construction contract to C.A. Rasmussen on March 13 and work is expected to begin in June 2023, lasting approximately 2.5 years.

The project includes the construction of prioritized soundwalls along the north and south side of the 1-210 Freeway between Fair Oaks Avenue and Wilson Avenue.

The soundwall segments in Pasadena cover approximately one mile and will be located at various locations along Maple Street and Corson Street.

The project was initially designed by Caltrans in 2012, and the design plans and specifications have been reviewed by Pasadena’s Public Works and Transportation departments. 

The soundwalls are located on Caltrans right-of-way, but certain improvements, including portions of soundwall spread footings, encroach within the city’s right-of-way.

During the design of the project, up to 66 magnolia trees were identified to be removed for the construction of the soundwall footings, to be replaced by 100 California Coast Live Oaks. The project was presented to and acquired support from City’s Urban Forestry Advisory Committee (UFAC) in 2010.

The contractor will also be required to acquire a Public Works permit and disseminate construction notices to all property owners and businesses within a 300-foot radius of the project.

Metro will go before Pasadena’s Municipal Services Committee on Tuesday to provide a project update and elaborate on their community notification and outreach plan for the upcoming construction phase of the project. 

Throughout the duration of construction, project updates will be posted on Metro’s social media sites and project-specific website at A dedicated project helpline and email address have also been set up to handle inquiries from the public

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