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Pasadena City College Foster Youth Receive Bicycles from One Bicycle Foundation

Published on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 | 5:46 am

Pasadena City College foster youth students received new bicycles on Monday, July 31, during a special giveaway event. [Photo courtesy office of L.A. County Supervisor Kathryn Barger]
Pasadena City College foster youth students received new bicycles on Monday, July 31, during a special giveaway event. The bicycles were provided at no cost by One Bicycle Foundation, a non-profit organization that aims to empower youth.

Supervisor Kathryn Barger, a PCC alumna, spoke at the ceremony before the distribution of the bicycles.

“Today is about providing youth with a tool that equips them to continue their education, pursue a career, and achieve their dreams,” said Supervisor Barger. “The foster youth here have the determination and are juggling a variety of challenges. I’m proud to support their journey towards a brighter future.”

One Bicycle Foundation’s Co-Founder and President, Shawnt Bazikian – also a PCC alum – was present at the event.

“We are very happy to partner with Supervisor Barger and PCC today,” said Bazikian. “One Bicycle Foundation’s mission has always been clear: empower youth. The bicycles we provide serve as a source of encouragement. We want the foster youth that we’re helping today to know they’re on the right track.”

Dr. Jose Gomez, PCC Superintendent President, spoke of the importance of partnering with community colleges and the opportunities they offer.

“Community colleges are powerful forces for good,” Dr. Gomez said. “They reach into neighborhoods and communities, helping elevate and transform individuals. Our PCC community is grateful and thanks everyone who made this day possible. Together, we can create a community that cares.”

PCC students expressed their appreciation for the support.

One student, Dulce, shared how the bicycle will help her with transportation issues.

“I take the bus to school, and this will be very helpful with my transportation issues,” she said. “Even just getting around in my neighborhood to run errands or do other day-to-day activities will be easier now. Receiving a bike today shows that people really care.”

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