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Pasadena Company Wins $84.4 Million Contract for Space Systems Command at Los Angeles Air Force Base

Published on Monday, June 27, 2022 | 5:00 am

Tetra Tech Inc. in Pasadena has been awarded a contract to provide operations, maintenance and sustainment support for Space Systems Command’s Shared Early Warning System.

Headquartered at Los Angeles Air Force Base, Space Systems Command is the U.S. Space Force’s space development, acquisition, launch, and logistics field command.

Under the $84,438,004 million contract, Tetra Tech will provide system support required for depot and organizational-level maintenance, design, modernization, integration, sustainment, logistics, configuration management, systems engineering, cybersecurity, familiarization training, 24-hour system troubleshooting, emergency maintenance, and external interface sustainment.

Space Systems Command Acquisitions at Peterson Space Force Base in Colorado generated the contracting activity and received six offers for the task order, the Department of Defense said Thursday. The contract was awarded Wednesday.

The Shared Early Warning System is designed to provide the U.S. and its allies early warning information on ballistic missile launches, delivering situational awareness to U.S. combatant commands and associated partner countries.

Work will be performed at the Peterson Space Force Base and is expected to be completed Jan. 31, 2029.

The Defense Department statement said the contract involves Foreign Military Sales (FMS) to combatant command-sponsored partners. Space Systems Command will obligate $11.4 million in research and development and FMS funds at the time of award, the statement said.

Tetra Tech, with headquarters at 3475 E. Foothill Blvd. in Pasadena, provides consulting, engineering, program and construction management services in the areas of infrastructure, water, environment, energy, resource management and international development. The company employs some 21,000 associates in 450 offices worldwide.

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