The Planetary Society, based in Pasadena, has come up with a first edition of “The Planetary Post,” a video show hosted by actor Robert Picardo, now a member of the Society’s Board of Directors, and featuring Bill Nye, “The Science Guy,” founder of the Society, as its first guest.
The show aired on social media on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, and gathered over 1,200 likes on Facebook and over 12,000 page views in less than 12 hours.
In the show, Nye and Picardo gave a preview of the upcoming Exomars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) launch in March 2016. The Exomars TGO will search for hydrogen locked up in the Martian soil and rocks using spectrometric technology.
Nye and Picardo also covered the Planetary Society’s Space Advocacy Blitz of the U.S Congress scheduled for February 21 to 23, when the Society’s Space Policy Team head for Washington D.C. to rally for support for space exploration.
The show also gave viewers a glimpse of a possible new Planet 9, an “undiscovered super-Earth” at the edge of the solar system.
An equally fascinating discussion on the show delved on Albert Einstein’s gravitational waves, which Caltech and MIT scientists last week confirmed were existing, almost 100 years after Einstein first mentioned them in his Theory of Relativity.
The Planetary Society commits to make the Planetary Post a monthly newsletter video of the most notable space happenings that can be sent directly to viewers’ electronic mailboxes.
Anyone interested in future editions of The Planetary Post can sign up through the Society’s website,