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Pasadena Plastic Surgeon Uses Innovative Liposuction Techniques to Tighten Skin and Stimulate Collagen Growth

Published on Monday, June 3, 2013 | 6:03 pm

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Max Lehfeldt is now offering his patients two innovative techniques to address concerns of cellulite and excess fat buildup. Cellulazeâ„¢ and Smartlipo Triplexâ„¢ are minimally invasive, performed in-office, and can reduce cellulite, remove fat, and tighten the skin.

According to Dr. Lehfeldt, cellulite results from fibrous tissue attachments and fat that is herniating through these fibrous bands. Additionally, he says thin skin can also exacerbate the appearance of cellulite. As an alternative to cellulite reduction techniques that address cellulite from the surface of the skin, Cellulaze™ utilizes laser technology developed by Cynosure® to target cellulite from underneath the skin.

Cellulazeâ„¢’s SideLaze3Dâ„¢ laser breaks down the connective tissue bands that cause cellulite and can help dissipate the fat pockets surrounding them. As an added benefit, Cellulazeâ„¢ can tighten skin, encourage new collagen growth for elasticity, and increase the thickness of the patient’s skin.

While Cellulazeâ„¢ focuses on diminishing the appearance of cellulite, Smartlipo Triplexâ„¢ is a minimally invasive body sculpting procedure that reduces the patient’s fat cells with much faster recovery and less bruising than traditional liposuction.
Dr. Lehfeldt notes that traditional body sculpting procedures typically require general anesthesia and the patient often incurs the additional costs of an operating room. Conversely, Smartlipo Triplexâ„¢ allows the Pasadena plastic surgeon to provide an advanced form of laser-assisted liposuction that can be performed in-office. The three laser wavelengths utilized by Smartlipo Triplexâ„¢ support:

– More effective fat removal
– Less bruising
– Faster healing

Unlike traditional liposuction, the lasers used for Smartlipo Triplexâ„¢ treatments actually tighten the patient’s skin and promote collagen growth.

Dr. Lehfeldt highlights that Smartlipo Triplexâ„¢ can be applied to the face, arms, legs, or abdomen. In addition, he says Smartlipoâ„¢ is an ideal treatment for excessive underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis).
Ultimately, Dr. Lehfeldt says these treatments can result in healthier, younger looking skin for a rejuvenated appearance and long-lasting results.

About Max Lehfeldt, MD, FACS

Dr. Max Lehfeldt is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. He is a graduate of Yale University and earned his medical degree from the University of Southern California-Keck School of Medicine. Named as one of Pasadena Magazine’s “Top Doctors” for the past six years, Dr. Lehfeldt has also been named “Best Cosmetic Surgeon” for the past two years by Pasadena Weekly Reader Poll. His private med spa, Radiance Spa Medical Group, was named “Best Med Spa” by Pasadena Weekly Reader Poll 2012. Dr. Lehfeldt is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) among other prestigious medical organizations.

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