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Pasadena Senior Center Welcomes New Board President Paul Kinney

Published on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 | 11:57 am

Paul Kinney, a member of the Pasadena Senior Center Board of Directors since 2015, has been named board president for a two-year term beginning this month.
Kinney is a wealth manager who is a principal at The Kinney Group in Pasadena. Before launching The Kinney Group, he worked for 30 years as a financial advisor and wealth advisor at UBS and Morgan Stanley. A graduate of Occidental College and the University of Colorado, he has a long history of community volunteerism in Pasadena and Glendale.
“I am honored to take on the role of board president, and I look forward to working with my board colleagues and the staff to move the Pasadena Senior Center’s mission forward in keeping with a carefully constructed strategic plan,” Kinney said. “These are very talented people, and this is a true team effort.”
The mission of the Pasadena Senior Center is to improve the lives of older adults through caring service with opportunities for social interaction, recreation, basic support and needs services, education, volunteerism and community action.
“Paul Kinney has been a tremendous asset to our board, and I am excited to being working with him in his capacity as board president,” said Akila Gibbs, executive director of the Pasadena Senior Center. “There are so many initiatives with which the center is actively engaged, and Paul will help lead the way as we achieve new goals while maintaining our existing programs and services.”
For more information visit or call (626) 795-4331.
Founded in 1960, the Pasadena Senior Center is an independent, donor-supported nonprofit organization that offers recreational, educational, wellness and social services to people ages 50 and older in a welcoming environment. Services are also provided for frail, low-income and homebound seniors.

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