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PCC Board Appoints Interview Committee in Search for New Superintendent/President

Published on Thursday, December 14, 2023 | 5:43 am

Pasadena Area Community College District Board of Trustees convened on Wednesday, December 13th, to address a full agenda.

First and foremost, the Board set in motion the search for the college’s forthcoming Superintendent/President. In a decisive move, they established a job description and formed an interview committee tasked with this critical selection process.

Dr. José A. Gómez is the current Interim Superintendent/President. He was appointed on July 19, 2023.

In a notable environmental commitment, the Board unanimously approved a resolution aimed at reducing carbon consumption by the college. The ambitious target is set for 2030.

Additionally, the Board completed the final phase of a shared governance process by greenlighting a series of curriculum adjustments. Among these changes, the college will introduce three new Associate Degree for Transfer programs in political science, public health, and communication studies.

The Board received the annual audit and financial statements from independent auditors, which notably reported no issues regarding the management or fiscal health of the institution.

Addressing matters of fiscal significance, the Board determined the cost of attendance for nonresident students for the 2024-25 academic year. The approved tuition for nonresidents will stand at $342, supplemented by an additional capital outlay fee of $20.

In a move toward fiscal autonomy, the Board endorsed a Fiscal Accountability Plan prepared by the district, enabling Pasadena City College to operate independently from the Los Angeles County Office of Education. This transition is anticipated to enhance responsiveness and streamline the management of the college’s financial affairs.

Furthermore, the Board ratified a memorandum with PCC’s police union, outlining compensation arrangements during the college’s response to inclement weather in August.

The college’s salvage program will see the sale of four vehicles that have reached the end of their service lives, with proceeds to be reinvested into the college’s accounts.

On the academic front, the Board approved stipends for PCC students engaged in work-based learning in the fields of mobile app development and entrepreneurship.

In terms of personnel actions, several individuals joined, transitioned, or departed from the institution:

New Additions:

  • Marvin Reyna will assume the role of Learning Assistance Center assistant in FYE Pathways starting January 4, 2024.

Promotions and Role Changes:

  • Sherry Guan has been promoted to principal accountant in the Fiscal Services area.
  • Marisol Jara-Garza is serving as interim coordinator of the Family Resource Center.
  • Silvestre Regalado is taking on the role of assistant in the Freeman Center for Career and Completion.
  • Garnet Reyes is transitioning into a role as clerk in the Social Sciences division.
  • Wendy Snyder is slated to move from the Mathematics Division to the Kinesiology, Health, and Athletics Division in January.

Departures and Retirements:

  • Saeed Abedzadeh will retire at the end of the academic year after 16 years of service as an instructor in the Career Technical Education division.
  • Jeffery Alexander will conclude his tenure as associate dean for student services at the end of December.
  • Rosalie Bellitti has retired after 25 years of service, most recently as administrative assistant in the Counseling area.
  • Auston Chavez has ceased employment at the college.
  • Julio Huerta is retiring at the end of the year after 27 years of service to the college, most recently as a computer support specialist in Information Technology Services.
  • Lorraine Snyder is retiring from PCC after 21 years of service as a child development specialist.

Finally, the meeting concluded with a touching tribute as it was adjourned in memory of Margaret Huntley. Notably recognized in the community as the Longest-Living Rose Queen at the Tournament of Roses, Ms. Huntley passed away on November 24 at the remarkable age of 102. It’s worth noting that Ms. Huntley was a PCC student when she was chosen as the 1940 Rose Queen.

For those seeking more detailed information, the full Board packet is available online under the “Meetings” tab, specifically labeled “Dec. 13, 2023.” Furthermore, the meeting’s video recording can be accessed on the college’s YouTube channel.

Looking ahead, the Board’s next regular business meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 4 p.m. in Creveling Lounge.

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One thought on “PCC Board Appoints Interview Committee in Search for New Superintendent/President

  • Before the board approved the search committee a professor brought up during that agenda item concerns about the Brown Act not being followed and cited the violation. They didn’t ask questions or look into it.




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