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Planned Parenthood CEO Praises City for Reproductive Rights Resolution

Published on Thursday, February 17, 2022 | 6:02 am

The CEO of Planned Parenthood Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley applauded the City Council for a resolution supporting reproductive rights.

“I’m thrilled Pasadena City Council bravely voted to say abortion is here to stay in our city,” said Sheri Bonner. “This sends a clear message to anyone traveling to California for an abortion that the City of Pasadena stands with them and supports their decision.”

The City Council passed the resolution 7-1 on Monday.

In September, the nation’s Supreme Court allowed a Texas law to take effect, basically prohibiting abortion after six weeks of gestation. The decision came just months before the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that affirmed a woman’s right to have an abortion without government restriction.

The high court is expected to weaken or overturn Roe v. Wade when it rules on the case later this year.

“The city of Pasadena will continue to uphold everyone’s equality and liberty by protecting their reproductive freedom, educating residents about their rights to reproductive freedom, welcoming anyone to Pasadena to fully exercise their reproductive rights and acting as a model for other cities that want to uphold full reproductive freedom for all,” the resolution reads.

The motion does not contain the word abortion.

According to several reports, some women from Texas have been flying into California for abortions.

In October, thousands of people rallied in Pasadena and other parts of the region to support reproductive rights, part of a nationwide series of demonstrations.

According to a January poll conducted by CNN, just 30% of Americans say they’d like to see the Supreme Court completely overturn its Roe vs. Wade decision. Similar polls found support for overturning the last between 21% and 31%.

Monday’s resolution was brought forth by councilmembers Steve Madison and Jessica Rivas.

“I’m proud to live in a city that values and honors bodily autonomy and views abortion as an essential health care service,” Bonner said.

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One thought on “Planned Parenthood CEO Praises City for Reproductive Rights Resolution

  • As a long-time Pasadena resident, it saddens me that abortion is here to stay in Pasadena. The alternatives to abortion are readily available, and need to be offered. Abortion is not the only choice. Abortion is immoral, and wrong.






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