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Rental Assistance Shelved in Appropriations Committee

Published on Monday, August 24, 2020 | 3:00 am

As the clock runs out on the state’s eviction moratorium, the Assembly Appropriations Committee last week shelved one of the remaining bills intended to keep people in their homes.

Senate Bill 1410 would have created a program to give tax credits to landlords who forgave their tenants’ unpaid rent. Finance officials estimated it would cost the state $13 billion to implement.

“Rent and housing were precarious before this,” said Allison Henry of the Pasadena Tenants Union. “Why were there no plans in place by now, late August? Tenants get grief for not having enough savings to weather storms such as these, and yet we have NOTHING from our lawmakers, banks, and large apartment groups like CAA [California Apartment Association] and AAGLA [Apartment Association of Greater Los Angeles]?  Tenants and allied advocates have stressed rent and mortgage forbearance this whole time, but have not had other groups join these calls. Who is our Legislature really taking care of?”

The Judicial Council of California on Wednesday voted 19-1 to end two temporary emergency rules governing evictions and judicial foreclosures.

According to a recent study by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy, about 365,000 renter households in Los Angeles County are in imminent danger of eviction once an order halting evictions is lifted.

About 450,000 people live in those units, including 558,000 children.

The study also found that people in 120,000 households in L.A. County will become homeless soon thereafter.

A proposed eviction moratorium, which would give tenants an extra year to make up their missed rent payments, was moved Thursday to the Senate Rules Committee, essentially putting the bill on hold while discussions continue between legislative leaders, Gov. Gavin Newsom, landlord groups and tenant rights advocates.

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