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San Marino Congregational United Church of Christ – Bad Weather Shelter Volunteer Project

Published on Tuesday, February 7, 2012 | 4:19 pm

Once again this year, San Marino Congregational United Church of Christ has elected to be an important part of the Bad Weather Shelter project for the homeless of the San Gabriel Valley. Sponsored by ECPAC (Ecumenical Council Pasadena Area Churches), the Bad Weather Shelter provides shelter for homeless individuals and families each night in January and February. This church has volunteered to set up the bedding and provide a meal each Tuesday which was initiated on January and February (except for Jan. 24 and Feb. 21) in the gymnasium of the Pasadena Covenant Church.

The 2011 Pasadena Homeless Count recorded that there were 1,216 homeless individuals on a given night in Pasadena. From 2005 until 2008 the number of homeless had decreased but with the economic climate changing, the number increased 7% this year over last and 21% since 2008.

During the 2010 season when the San Marino Congregational United Church of Christ also volunteered, the Bad Weather Shelter housed 847 unduplicated individuals over the course of 74 days. This includes 487 men, 230 women, 60 girls and 65 boys. Fifty-nine families were served at the shelter this past season.

San Marino Congregational United Church of Christ, 2560 Huntington Drive, San Marino, (626) 292-2080 or visit

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