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Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center Awarded Avon Foundation for Women Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Grant

Avon Foundation for Women Program Awards $500,000 to fund 32 Domestic Violence Organizations Across the United States and Puerto Rico

Published on Thursday, November 10, 2016 | 3:58 pm

The Avon Foundation for Women has awarded a $15,000 one-year grant to Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center to provide direct services to domestic violence victims and/or other program mission. It is the second year that the Youth Violence Prevention program has received Avon Foundation funding to support its work on this critical issue. Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center is one of 32 organizations across the United States this year to be granted funds for direct services through the Avon Foundation for Women Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program.

Avon and the Avon Foundation for Women launched Speak Out Against Domestic Violence in 2004 to help end the cycle of domestic violence. Through the end of 2015, the Avon Foundation has provided nearly $40 million for domestic and gender violence programs in the United States, including support for awareness, education, direct service and prevention.

“We are proud that the Avon Foundation for Women has chosen to support our program. With these funds we will be able to expand our youth violence prevention education to community churches and youth program. The funds will allow us to reach more youth by providing healthy relationship education in more school s,” said Linda Offray, Executive Director of Teen Dating Violence Youth Violence Prevention Education Program of Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center.

“The Avon Foundation for Women is committed to helping end the cycle of domestic violence and takes pride in supporting Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center work to help domestic violence victims in Pasadena, CA ,” said Christine Jaworsky, Program Director of Avon’s Speak Out Against Domestic Violence Program. “It is through initiatives like the Youth Violence Prevention Program Initiative that we can work to break the cycle of domestic violence once and for all, and help ensure safety for victims and their families.”

The domestic violence program Teen Dating Violence Youth Violence Prevention Education Program at Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center will support victims in the Pasadena, -area and deliver essential services, including counseling, educational and professional training, advocacy and case management or other program components.

Since April 2000, the Teen Dating Violence Youth Violence Prevention Program at Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center has provided services and support to more than 12,000 domestic violence victims and 4,000 youth. An achievement for 2014-15 we provide 12 workshops with the participation of 804 middle and high school students.

Globally, at least one in three women has experienced some form of partner violence or abuse during her lifetime. Although research shows most victims are women, men can also be domestic violence victims.

Programs such as Teen Dating Violence Prevention Programs help ensure that all victims have access to services that will help them rebuild their lives and break the cycle of domestic violence for themselves, their families, and future generations.

About Shepherd’s Door Domestic Violence Resource Center

Shepherd’s Door is a 501 © 3 non –profit organization established in April 2000 for the specific purpose of serving victims of domestic violence and survivors of abuse.

Avon Speak Out Against Domestic Violence

The Avon Foundation for Women launched Speak Out Against Domestic Violence in 2004 to support domestic violence awareness, education, and prevention programs aimed at reducing domestic and gender violence, and to provide direct services for victims and their families. Through 2015, the Avon Foundation for Women has contributed nearly $40 million in the United States towards this goal. Globally, Avon supports efforts to end violence against women in nearly 50 countries by raising funds through special product sales and educating women around the world through its army of six million Avon Representatives. Visit for more information.

Avon Foundation for Women

The Avon Foundation for Women is the world’s largest corporate-affiliated philanthropy focused on issues that matter most to women. Since its inception in 1955, the Avon Foundation has promoted or aided charitable, scientific, educational, and humanitarian activities, with a special emphasis on activities that improve the lives of women and their families. Through 2015, Avon and the Avon Foundation have contributed over $1 billion in over 50 countries. Today, Avon global philanthropy programs focus on funding breast cancer research and advancing access to quality care through the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, and efforts to reduce domestic and gender violence through its Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program. Visit for more information.

For more information on Teen Dating Violence Youth Education Program at Shepherd’s Door, please call Linda Offray at (626) 765-9967. For more information about domestic violence services, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or online at

To learn more about the Avon Foundation for Women Speak Out Against Domestic Violence program, visit




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