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South Pasadena City Clerk Invites Civic Volunteers to Consider City Clerk Position

Published on Friday, July 5, 2013 | 2:11 pm

City Clerk Sally Kilby, who is retiring after serving for thirteen years, said, “I want to let the citizens know that a wonderful opportunity is available for someone interested in civic life and in working with an outstanding team to improve the quality of life in South Pasadena: the position of City Clerk.”

The functions of the City Clerk’s Office have been divided, she said, with the day-to-day responsibility of the City Clerk’s Office being managed by a professional with qualifications in the field.

“However,” she said, “There is a position for a resident to serve as a part-time, elected City Clerk. The position will be voted on by the voters at the November 5, 2013, General Municipal Election.” She said the person could assume various duties, depending on the background of the person who is elected and the current needs of the City.”

The City Clerk could undertake voter education projects, reviewing/signing official City documents, preparing City Council meeting minutes, and representing the City at community events. The term is for four years, and the position is compensated by stipend ($300/month).

City Clerk Kilby is inviting any resident interested in the position to meet with her to review the functions of the City Clerk’s Office.

In addition, a notebook is available in the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall (1414 Mission Street) that contains all the forms and required documentation to file for the office. Her contact information is at (626) 403-7232, or email .
The filing period is from July 15 to August 14, 2013.

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