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South Pasadena Issues “Bike to Work Day” Challenge to Other Cities

Published on Thursday, May 9, 2013 | 2:42 pm

The South Pasadena City Council, in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), challenges the leaders of the San Gabriel Valley and the City of Los Angeles to secure the highest number of pledges for “Bike to Work Day,” “Bike to Work Day” Challenge from South Pasadena, Thursday, May 16, 2013, as part of the official “Bike Week LA.”

Metro is sponsoring “Bike Week LA” activities from May 13-19, 2013, to encourage the riding of bicycles to work, school and other destinations throughout Los Angeles County. Numerous studies outline the health, congestion, air quality, and monetary benefits of bicycling. San Gabriel Valley and the City of Los Angeles suffer from congestion and poor air quality, and “Bike to Work Day” offers an opportunity to promote bicycling as a viable mode of transportation with many benefits.

The City of South Pasadena has long promoted multi-modal transportation options and is firmly committed to combining bicycling with mass transit for longer trips. The “Bike to Work Day” challenge is a perfect opportunity for San Gabriel Valley “Bike to Work Day” Challenge from South Pasadena and Los Angeles officials to spread the word and encourage residents, business owners, employers, employees, school districts, and others to do their part to improve their quality of life.

How the challenge works:

Riders simply pledge to ride their bikes on “Bike to Work Day,” May 16, 2013, at or From the pledges received, Metro staff will determine the city that generates the highest number of pledges to ride on a per capita basis.

To encourage people to combine bicycling and transit on “Bike to Work Day,” Metro will offer free rides to customers who board with a bicycle or helmet on Metro “Bike to Work Day” Challenge from South Pasadena buses and trains throughout Los Angeles County. Big Blue Bus, Culver CityBus, Glendale Beeline, LADOT, Long Beach Transit, Montebello Bus Lines, Norwalk Transit, Pasadena ARTS, Santa Clarita Transit, and Torrance Transit will also offer free transit rides to bicyclists who board with a bicycle or bicycle helmet on the 16th.

In addition to a bicycle or helmet, Big Blue Bus patrons must also show a coupon, available at Metrolink will offer free transit rides to customers who board with a bicycle. Cyclists may bring their bicycles on Metro trains during all system hours every day. On “Bike to Work Day,”

Metro is co-sponsoring more than 70 bicycle pit stops with local organizations across Los Angeles County. Bicyclists are invited to stop by for refreshments and free giveaways at various times of the “Bike to Work Day” Challenge from South Pasadena day. For locations and times, go to

As an added bonus, those who pledge to ride their bikes to work on May 16, 2013, could win a new bicycle from REI or other great prizes!

The City of South Pasadena will be launching a City Employee Bike Share program allowing employees to use a City bicycle for transportation while conducting City business.

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