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Pasadena Assemblyman Chris Holden Reappointed State Appropriations Chair

Published on Friday, December 23, 2022 | 3:28 pm

This week, California State Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon (AD – 62) re-appointed Assemblymember Chris Holden (AD – 41) as Chair of the powerful California State Assembly Committee on Appropriations.

“I thank Speaker Rendon for re-appointing me as Chair of the Appropriations Committee,” said Assemblymember Holden. “I appreciate the speaker’s confidence in me, to continue this important role. After a decade of budget surplus, we begin the next session with a 25-billion-dollar deficit. In light of that, this may alter our ability to explore new programs as we have done in previous years but with reserves and funds in position, we should be able to tackle these challenges in an equitable manner that serves all Californians.”

When former Speaker Willie Brown chaired the Ways and Means Committee from 1971 to 1974 and in 1995, this Committee was split into two Committees: Appropriations and Budget.

The Assembly Committee on Budget’s jurisdiction is to investigate, and study proposed bills relating to the budget. The Assembly Committee on Appropriation’s primary jurisdiction includes all fiscal bills including bonds and alternative public financing.

Assemblymember Chris Holden is the first African American to Chair the Committee on Appropriations since it was initially split from the Ways and Means Committee in 1995.

“As we continue to uplift communities through the pandemic, I look forward to working with my colleagues to help pass meaningful legislation as we embark on another legislative session,” said Holden.

Previously, Assemblymember Holden formerly chaired the Assembly Committee on Utilities and Energy from 2017-2022 where its primary jurisdictions included public utilities, the California Public Utilities Commission, energy companies, telecommunications, and international trade, among others. He will continue as a member of this committee as well as the Assembly Committee on Communications and Conveyance.

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