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Tetra Tech Secures $85 Million USAID Contract to Bolster Moldova’s Energy Security

Pasadena-based firm to integrate battery storage system and enhance power grid flexibility

Published on Friday, June 21, 2024 | 6:16 am

Tetra Tech, Inc., which provides high-end consulting and engineering services in water, environment and sustainable infrastructure, has been awarded an $85 million increase to its single-award contract with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to strengthen energy security in Moldova.

The company announced on Thursday that the additional funding will support its ongoing work through the USAID Moldova Energy Security Activity, which aims to advance an independent, sustainable, and clean energy sector in the Eastern European nation.

Under the expanded contract, Tetra Tech will focus on integrating an innovative, utility-scale battery energy storage system into Moldova’s electricity infrastructure. This initiative is designed to enhance the stability and flexibility of the country’s national power grid.

The project is expected to facilitate greater electricity trade between Moldova and its neighbors, specifically Romania and Ukraine, as well as the broader European market. This increased connectivity could potentially bolster Moldova’s energy independence and economic prospects.

“Our energy experts will use Tetra Tech’s ‘Leading with Science’ approach to improve the flexibility and stability of Moldova’s power grid,” Dan Batrack, Tetra Tech’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said.

Batrack added that strengthening the power grid would enable Moldova to deploy domestic renewable energy resources and create opportunities to join European energy markets. He described these outcomes as vital to the country’s long-term energy security and sustainable economic growth.

The contract expansion highlights the ongoing efforts to modernize and secure energy infrastructure in Eastern Europe, a region that has faced significant challenges in recent years due to geopolitical tensions and energy supply issues.

Tetra Tech, which employs 28,000 people worldwide, provides clear solutions to complex problems to address the entire water cycle, protect and restore the environment, design sustainable and resilient infrastructure, and support the clean energy transition.

The company’s involvement in Moldova underscores the growing importance of energy security and grid resilience in international development efforts. The implementation of advanced battery storage technology could potentially serve as a model for other countries in the region looking to enhance their energy security and transition towards more sustainable power systems.

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