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Union Station Homeless Services Awarded $30,000 from Bank of America

Published on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 | 2:21 pm
Union Station Homeless Services via Facebook

Union Station Homeless Services announced Tuesday it has been awarded a generous grant of $30,000 from Bank of America to help combat homelessness in Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley. Since 2001, Bank of America has supported Union Station’s efforts towards rebuilding lives and fulfilling Union Station’s vision where all people are valued and able to thrive at home and in the community.

Over the past year, the need for support has increased as the 2023 Pasadena Homeless Count revealed that the number of people experiencing homelessness in the city grew to 556, an eight percent rise from last year. Moreover, seniors ages 65 and older have experienced a dramatic increase in the share of the unhoused population.

“With the generous support of Bank of America, we are able to make a significant impact in the community,” commented Anne Miskey, President and CEO of Union Station Homeless Services. “We are deeply grateful for Bank of America’s 22 years of ongoing commitment to our organization to work together to address barriers to affordable housing, and homeless services.”

“Access to emergency shelter and wrap-around services is critical to getting people back on stable footing,” said Raul A. Anaya, president, Bank of America Los Angeles. “We are all just one life-event away from needing the important services that Union Station offers, and Bank of America proudly continues its support of this high-impact nonprofit.”

Union Station Homeless Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is committed to providing permanent solutions to end homelessness and rebuild lives. Founded in 1973 in a storefront in Pasadena, CA, Union Station is celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year. Union Station is the San Gabriel Valley’s largest social service agency assisting homeless and very low-income adults and families. Recently expanding into El Sereno and Eagle Rock, we are the lead county agency for Service Planning Area 3 (SPA 3), coordinating homeless services in 36 communities, with a combined population of over 1.5 million across the San Gabriel Valley. Our mission is guided by the belief that everyone deserves a life of dignity and a place to call home. For more information, visit

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